Contact us

    Format: Country code - Telephone number
    You are already our customer? Then please fill in your customer number. You will find this on the sales receipts you receive from us in the top right corner.
    If you are referring to a purchase or delivery, please feel free to provide us with the quotation number, order number, delivery or invoice number you received from us regarding that transaction.
    In the case of a claim for ballistic helmets, we can only verify a warranty claim if you provide us with the serial number of your product.
    In the case of a claim for ballistic helmets, we can only verify a warranty claim if you provide us with the serial number of your product.
    In the case of a claim for ballistic helmets, we can only verify a warranty claim if you provide us with the serial number of your product.
    In the case of a claim for ballistic helmets, we can only verify a warranty claim if you provide us with the serial number of your product.
    In the case of a claim for ballistic helmets, we can only verify a warranty claim if you provide us with the serial number of your product.
    In the case of a claim for ballistic helmets, we can only verify a warranty claim if you provide us with the serial number of your product.
    In the case of a claim for ballistic helmets, we can only verify a warranty claim if you provide us with the serial number of your product.
    In the case of a claim for ballistic helmets, we can only verify a warranty claim if you provide us with the serial number of your product.
    In the case of a claim for ballistic helmets, we can only verify a warranty claim if you provide us with the serial number of your product.
    In the case of a claim for ballistic helmets, we can only verify a warranty claim if you provide us with the serial number of your product.
    Please state here the order confirmation or delivery note number with which you received this product from us. The verification of a warranty claim is only possible for us by stating the transaction or delivery note number of your product.